Latest chemistry research news

Olive oil healthy for frying, finds new study

Olive oil withstands the heat of the fryer or pan better than several seed oils to yield more healthful food. Scientist say that, before dunking your favorite food in a vat of just any old oil, consider using olive… Read more 


Liquid helium provides new way to make charged molecules

New research has developed a completely new way of forming charged molecules which offers tremendous potential for new areas of chemical research… Read more  



Towards turning waste from whisky-making into fuel

A start-up company in Scotland is working to capitalize on the tonne of waste produced by one of the country’s most valued industries and turn the dregs of whisky-making into fuel… Read more



World’s first transplant of ‘dead heart’

In a breakthrough, a team of doctors have successfully performed the world’s first heart transplant in Australia using a ‘dead heart,’ a major development that could save many lives… Read more 


New design for making low cost, greener LED bulbs

Scientists have designed a new materials for making household LED bulbs without using the expensive rare earth metals… Read more 



DNA crystals designed, could create revolutionary nanodevices

Scientists have designed the first large DNA crystals with precisely prescribed depths and complex 3D features, which could create revolutionary nanodevices… Read more


New research helps prevent over charging of batteries, improves safety of electronics

Research from the University of Kentucky Department of Chemistry will help batteries resist overcharging, improving the safety of electronics from cell phones to airplanes… Read more


Cigarette ashes can remove arsenic from drinking water

Scientists have come up with a new low-cost, simple way to remove arsenic using leftovers from another known health threat – cigarettes… Read more





Vaccine for hepatitis C virus, vaccines to stop tumor growth, high efficient solar cells and much more

Towards vaccine for hepatitis C virus

A new study on vaccine for hepatitis C virus takes researchers a step closer to this goal. They determined the molecular structure of a protein that is directly involved in how the virus penetrates the host cell membrane… Read more


New way to deliver vaccines could stop tumor growth

Cancer vaccines have recently emerged as a promising approach for killing tumor cells before they spread. But so far, most clinical candidates haven’t worked that well. Now, scientists have developed a new way to deliver vaccines that successfully stifled tumor growth when tested in laboratory mice… Read more 

Electrically conductive plastics for low cost, high efficient solar cells, batteries

Researchers have established the solid-state electrical properties of a polymer, called PTMA, which is about 10 times more electrically conductive than common semiconducting polymers… Read more


Forming tiny 3D metal nanoparticles using DNA

Researchers at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University have unveiled a new method to form tiny 3D metal nanoparticles in prescribed shapes and dimensions using DNA, Nature’s building block, as a construction mold… Read more


New technology to track nanoparticles position inside cell

A long-sought goal of creating particles that can emit a colorful fluorescent glow in a biological environment, and that could be precisely manipulated into position within living cells, has been achieved by a team of researchers at MIT and several other institutions… Read more


World’s first rechargeable solar battery

Scientists at Ohio State University have fused a rechargeable battery with a solar cell, creating the world’s first-ever solar battery. Researchers say their invention will make solar power use at home more efficient and inexpensive… Read more


Water not necessary for enzymes’ biological role, finds new study

New research by scientists at the University of Bristol has challenged one of the key axioms in biology – that enzymes need water to function. The breakthrough could eventually lead to the development of new industrial catalysts for processing biodiesel… Read more 


Electricity conducting fibres strengthened by liquid salts

According to a patent issued to a team of researchers at The University of Alabama (UA) fibers that conduct electricity can be strengthened by using liquid salts during formation instead of harsh chemicals… Read more



New material absorbs oxygen from atmosphere

Researchers from the University of Southern Denmark have synthesized crystalline materials that can bind and store oxygen in high concentrations. Just one spoon of the substance is enough to absorb all the oxygen in a room. The stored oxygen can be released again when and where it is needed… Read more 


Turmeric could help brain heal itself, report scientists

A new report suggests that the curry spice turmeric could help the brain heal itself. A team in Germany say, aromatic turmerone promoted the proliferation of brain stem cells and their development into neurons during laboratory tests on rats… Read more








Hydrogen Peroxide Bleaching Agent – Infographic

Hydrogen Peroxide First described in 1818 by Louis Jacques Thénard, who produced it by treating barium peroxide with nitric acid. Hydrogen Peroxide is the simplest peroxide (a compound with an oxygen-oxygen single bond) and in its pure form is a colorless liquid, slightly more viscous than water. It is a nonplanar molecule possessing (twisted) C2 symmetry

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Hydrogen Peroxide Infographic

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014 -Super Resolved Fluorescence Microscopy

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014 -Super Resolved Fluorescence Microscopy

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014 -Super Resolved Fluorescence Microscopy

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2014 was decided to be awarded to Eric Betzig Janelia Farm Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Ashburn, VA, US; Stefan W Hell, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Gottingen, and German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany and William E Moerner, Stanford University, Stanford, “for the development of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy.”

The development has surpassed the limitations of the light microscope. For a long time optical microscopy was held back by a presumed limitation: that it would never obtain a better resolution than half the wavelength of light. Helped by fluorescent molecules the Nobel Laureates in Chemistry 2014 ingeniously circumvented this limitation. Their ground-breaking work has brought optical microscopy into the nanodimension.

In what has become known as nanoscopy, scientists visualize the pathways of individual molecules inside living cells. They can see how molecules create synapses between nerve cells in the brain; they can track proteins involved in Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s diseases as they aggregate; they follow individual proteins in fertilized eggs as these divide into embryos.

It was all but obvious that scientists should ever be able to study living cells in the tiniest molecular detail. In 1873, the microscopist Ernst Abbe stipulated a physical limit for the maximum resolution of traditional optical microscopy: it could never become better than 0.2 micrometres. Eric Betzig, Stefan W. Hell and William E. Moerner are awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014 for having bypassed this limit. Due to their achievements the optical microscope can now peer into the nanoworld.

Two separate principles are rewarded. One enables the method stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy, developed by Stefan Hell in 2000. Two laser beams are utilized; one stimulates fluorescent molecules to glow, another cancels out all fluorescence except for that in a nanometre-sized volume. Scanning over the sample, nanometre for nanometre, yields an image with a resolution better than Abbe’s stipulated limit.

Eric Betzig and William Moerner, working separately, laid the foundation for the second method, single-molecule microscopy. The method relies upon the possibility to turn the fluorescence of individual molecules on and off. Scientists image the same area multiple times, letting just a few interspersed molecules glow each time. Superimposing these images yields a dense super-image resolved at the nanolevel. In 2006 Eric Betzig utilized this method for the first time.